Things to Do in Oklahoma City - Stockyards City

Stockyards City will take you back in time and make you feel like you are a cowboy in the Wild Wild West. At first it was a livestock market, opening in 1910. Once the Oklahoma National Stockyards Company opened the population of Oklahoma City increased greatly. It created over 2,400 jobs for a population of only 60,000. This gives you an idea of the importance of this company for the area. This great history is still honoured today as Stockyards City is now a huge tourist attraction with great restaurants, bars, shops and attractions!

True to form you can visit the Stockyards City and experience some of the best steakhouses in the world. Stockyards City is home to Oklahoma National Stockyards which is the largest feeder and cattle market in the world. Live auctions are open to the public weekly. This means the meat doesn’t have to go far to get to your plate. Making it some of the freshest in the world. In addition to great steakhouses, the area has unique shops where you can get your own authentic cowboy hat and boots. This way you look the part and take something home as well!

Stockyard City offers incredible nightlife as well. They have country bars offering live music and even a saloon with a 50- foot long Oak Bar, that serves over 170 different kinds of whiskey. The Stockyard City is only two and a half miles from Chesapeake Energy Arena, making this an awesome destination for post Oklahoma City Thunder game festivities. This place is the reason OKC has grown into the city that it is today so be sure to stop by so you can see where everything began!
When considering things to do in Oklahoma City, visit Stockyard City! A great spot for sports fans to visit when traveling to Oklahoma City for an Oklahoma City Thunder game at Chesapeake Energy Arena!
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Things to Do in Oklahoma City - Stockyards City

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